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Cannot Link Telus Home Assistand to Alex or Google Home


Starting 2-3 days ago I was no longer able to arm and disarm my Telus Alarm system using voice commands through Alexa. I unlinked and then tried to relink my account but I always get this message after I have logged into my Telus account: "Unable to link the skill at this time. Please try again later.". So then I tried using Google Home and I get the error message: "Could not reach Telus Home Assistant. Please Try Again Later". So it appears to be a Telus issue. Please fix this asap. I try to link accounts every day and no luck.



I am having the same issue starting 2-3 days ago! Spent 2 hours with tech support with no solution. Please fix this Telus! 


I am experiencing the same issue which also began 2-3 days ago. I spent 2 hours on the phone with tech support with no resolution. I feel this may be linked to the Telus app update. Please correct asap!


I myself had my system stop working. I have a lot of hands on experience with ADC / TELUS SmartHome Security troubleshooting. After 2 days of all known troubleshooting steps my system will still not link via Alexa app. Currently my Christmas tree, my Christmas lights, and many lights are controlled by my Alexa. My kids and wife do not use the app and this is starting to have a very negative impact on our home. 

I can assure you that there are no more troubleshooting steps that could be taken. This has to be investigated internally by TELUS. 


I am having the same issue. TELUS FIX THIS!!!


Same here, the skill no longer links to the Telus account. Tried multiple times last few days. I’m sure there are more people out there  with the same issue. 

Same issue for me as well.  Google home stopped executing voice commands for Telus Optik box a few days ago. Attempted to unlink and relink Telus Assistant in Google Home app, and initially appears to link, followed by error message “Something went wrong, try again.”  I noticed Google Home app was updated about 5 days ago prior to when problems started.  Not sure if related to issue, or if Telus has been updating things on their system which has broken link to Google Home.  

I wish the techies at Telus would get their s#*&%t together and test out compatibility with other systems before making changes. This is not the first time Google Home has had issues ‘talking’ with Telus Home Assistant in the last couple of years. 

Friendly Neighbour

Same here. Voice commands stopped working few days ago. Unlinked and tried relining to google home and alexa apps. Just keep getting error messages to try again. Telus support was no help. They sent me a link which directed me to.... guess what? Try again. Ridiculous.

Tried relinking Telus Home Assistant today, and surprised that it is now working. 

Didn’t do anything differently than previous attempts, so I suspect Telus cleaned up issue with their system. 

That's awesome. Thanks for letting me know. Mine works now as well. 😀

Yup. Mine connected after I tried after getting your message. Thanks

Mines working again! Hopefully they do compatibility testing before the next software updates.