11-30-2023 02:01 PM - last edited January
Dear Neighbours,
We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll do our best to keep this thread up to date with each new release to celebrate our wins together.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list; minor customer-facing fixes and non-customer-facing backend work are not included.
Q4 2024: (note: had to remove previous updates due to character limits on post)
Q3 2024:
Your Friendly Neighbourhood TV Product Development Team.
I installed (3) TelusTV-21T boxes on Aug 07, 2024. Many hrs (too many) consumed with tech support these past few weeks. Have done modem resets, tv box resets on all and still not able to get My Favorites to work. I can create My Favorites no issues in doing so. When I channel up it scrolls through All Subscribed.
Additional wrinkle when you power off or box goes to sleep and you reactivate, it reverts back to My Subscribed Channels, although the hearts 💟 remain on all the selected favorites.
"Heart it and watch it" is more like "headache and switch it" to another provider 🥴
Hopefully Sept 20th resuscitates the 💟
Not sure if I'm using this forum properly. Just looking for help and guidance with, (recently installed) Telus TV+ issues, mainly related to getting My Favorites function to work as designed.
Based on my extensive call history to Telus Tech Support over the past 3 weeks, yesterdays's tech support individual agreed that all troubleshooting tactics have been attempted. Next steps was to "run it up the chain of command" and call me back one way or another regarding future update(s) ETA. He could not confirm, nor was he aware of a Sept 20, 2024 update. Patiently waiting on that callback.
Otherwise still familiarizing myself with the new platform. First impressions - form and function needs work, especially on the function side of the equation.
@Optikal_Speak wrote:Hi,
Not sure if I'm using this forum properly. Just looking for help and guidance with, (recently installed) Telus TV+ issues, mainly related to getting to work as designed.
Based on my extensive call history to Telus Tech Support over the past 3 weeks, yesterdays's tech support individual agreed that all troubleshooting tactics have been attempted. Next steps was to "run it up the chain of command" and call me back one way or another regarding future update(s) ETA. He could not confirm, nor was he aware of a Sept 20, 2024 update. Patiently waiting on that callback.
Otherwise still familiarizing myself with the new platform. First impressions - form and function needs work, especially on the function side of the equation.
What date did you mean July maybe? My Favorites function was working until that update.
Definitely referring to a Sept 20th update from what I can gather. I'm an August baby😉 Just got installed on Aug 8th.
Googled to see how prevalent issues might be and happened on the Telus Neighborhood Forum a few days ago.
I can't seem to find where I can set up and switch user Profiles for TV+ and/or the Digital Box.
I have the Digital Box, iOS devices, and a Hisense Google TV that has the TV+ app loaded, and I can't seem to see where to set up and switch user Profiles. HELP!
On Telus TV+ Home Screen scroll to and select Settings at top far right. Choose Switch and Edit Profiles and it will show you as Main with Add + option.
August - last edited August
I've noticed the messages being posted in this thread are beginning to get way off topic.
Hope I'm not over-reaching (as I'm not a Telus representative, in any way, shape or form),
and I want to be as diplomatic as possible, but ... 🙂
This thread is primarily for Telus release updates and customer questions and suggestions regarding current and upcoming releases.
If you have an issue or question about a feature, function or Telus Optik service, please create a separate question/thread using the "Ask a question" button.
Maybe Telus can add this to the original post.
Perhaps if they provided timely updates to customers this thread would stay on topic.
That was quick - and definitely a fair and accurate comment 😎
It wasn’t meant to be rude, apologies, but it’s been frustrating to say the least. The product is severely flawed and these incremental updates are not solving key issues.
Fair enough. Point taken.
A Newbie just looking for answers and help through this Telus quagmire.
I'll pay attention to the Subject Titles in future.
Last comment/suggestion:
Perhaps a Topic-Subject line titled WHY!!! would appropriately capture the frustrations of this Telus digital, landscape quagmire.
To keep a friendly Neighborhood tone I'll refrain from the use of the, more expressive - are you kidding me, W-acronym 😉
Watching Sunday NFL football on TSN, Fox Sports and CBS.
Having been very critical, and deservedly so, of Telus' inadequate form and function design of the Android TV+ Digital platform; it's only fair to point out the high quality of the audio/video playback vs the Legacy PVR boxes. The sound and visual elements are, by far, superior.
I am not to sure where to put this, but I am noticing on the new platform tsn 4k channel has the odd random quick stutter, I noticed this watching football last year and seems to be occurring this year again on the tsn 4k channel watching football. Maybe every minute there is a slight stutter. Its very distracting and should be fixed whatever it causing it. It occured on my telus optik android box and my nvidia shield telus app. Nvidia shield runs android 11. It is a slight microstutter which is especially bad for live sports with lots of movement.
September - last edited September
Just noticed on Monday that our TelusTV-21T app version for Q2 has updated from 1.24.6_900 to 1.24.8_200. Could have occurred earlier as I've been out of town for over a week.
I don't see an update posted here describing changes.
Is this simply a fix release or does it have any functionality/behaviour changes?
There was an update end of July that removed some repaired items, such as My Favorites being default in the guide
Odd, I checked 2-3 weeks ago and it was still at 1.24.6_900.
Wonder why it took over a month to update for me, compared to you.
[That's a rhetorical "wonder", as I'm sure there won't be any reason other than "just because"]
Hello Optik-Kate,
Longtime no post.
Anything new on the horizon? Was looking forward to a Q3 2024 update, especially re: long overdue fixes with ongoing My Favorites and Recording issues.
@Rocky3 @Grimmt @MrSL @DaveYYC
Hello @Optik-Kate
Thanks for the update.
Unfortunately, appears, nothing new to address long-standing, ongoing fundamental issues, to reiterate a few:
Bulk Delete for Recordings:
The Delete Series function (guessing that's the update) is all or nothing. Doesn't allow for batching some episodes, in a series, for deleting.
Being relatively new to the Neighbourhood (2 months in on new 2yr plan) not sure how much has been updated.
Getting the sense more established Neighbours may have "thrown in the towel" and just biding their time. Again... unfortunate!