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Just Moved In

I I put in a change/move location request online through my account, I was called a few days before to set up the tech and was also advised that my internet package would need to change as my old one was DSL and my new location is fiber optic to which I agreed to the $20 a month increase. Fast forward two (2) months and I notice that my Optik TV package has doubled in price, it went from $61.00 a month to $137.00 a month. I have spoken with client services as well as customer loyalty and all they tell me is the best they can do with all the discounts is a $107 which I replied no.


I explained to them that this was there mistake as I never asked or wanted a change to my current package, the first lady I spoke with even admitted that when they did the move change and updated my internet they inadvertently cancelled my cable package and started me on a new one as if I was a new client. I explained to them that this is there fault and not mine and I shouldn't be penalized for there errors or mistakes and that they should put me back on the plan i had which was only this past July it was changed, they said they couldn't to which I replied well I guess I will move my services and the guy I was speaking with literally said I will transfer you to the cancellation department.


What kind of customer services is this, you make a mistake and then have the nerve to tell the client well that's too bad as these deals aren't available anymore, do you not realize that you are governed by CRTC and have to respect all contracts and give the clients what  was agreed upon especially when you clearly make the mistake, and not try to charge the clients more and or threaten them.


Let's just say I am done, I never asked for a free handout, monies or crazy credits just because I can, I only asked for what is fair to have my account put back to the way it was supposed to be before you made the mistake and credit my account the difference I paid over the last 2 months.