After 12 hours ... yes TWELVE hours ... of talking to Telus, they refuse to remove an account that was never activated. It still shows up with monthly billings, and it shows up on my credit rating. Was going to sign up for Telus mobility, but changed my mind when the sim cards NEVER showed up. Told them thanks but no thanks (because seemed goofy to sign up for an account where could not actually make a call without sims.) So 'account' was never activated, never used, etc. But Telus will NOT remove the account.
NO ONE SHOULD EVER SIGN ON TO TELUS if they are a working person that has to renew a mortgage or manage their credit status. It will knock points off their credit rating every month even if they do NOT owe Telus any money.
(And yes I have lodged a dispute with the Credit agency ... but chances are zero that anything will change.)