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Unfair Collections Action Without Notification

Just Moved In

I am extremely frustrated with Telus' handling of my account closure and the lack of communication that led to an unfair collections action against me. I did everything required to settle my balance, yet I am now dealing with an unnecessary hit to my credit over $24—without a single notification from Telus.

I closed my personal mobility account in 2023 when transferring to a new account under the EPP program, keeping the same mobile number. During this transition, I worked with Telus in-store representatives to ensure all outstanding balances were paid in full before transferring to the EPP account. I was assured that my personal account had a $0 balance and that no further action was required.

Since I no longer used the email linked to my personal account, I was told that any account-related updates would be sent via text. However, I recently discovered (only by reviewing my credit report) that a $24 charge remained on the closed account. I was completely unaware of this balance and had no access to the account to check. Without any notification via text or call, this amount was sent to collections.

I have been making regular payments on my EPP account and would have happily paid the $24 back in 2023 had I received any mobile notification about this outstanding amount. Now, my credit has been impacted over a $24 charge I was assured was settled. I have no information on which collections agency this was sent to and simply want to resolve this issue. 

Telus, please review and correct this situation. I need clarification on how this happened, information on the collections agency, and a resolution to remove this from my credit record. 

Thank you for following on this.