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How can I opt out of receiving offers over the phone?


Ever since I set up my home internet service, I have had non-stop phone calls from telus offering me opportunities to upgrades my services or to hear about their ~amazing~ or ~wonderful~ new deals or opportunities in regards to internet or their mobility services.

I didn't have to deal with this with Shaw.


All I want is to pay for internet and get the exact internet I pay for.


I have opted out of email communications for offers, why the *heck* do I not have the option to opt-out over the phone??

One phone agent said I could in the past and said it would take a few weeks for it to take effect. 1, why should it take a few WEEKS, and why is it that, yes, at one point I stopped receiving calls, but now I'm receiving a phone call EVERY DAY.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey! Apologies for the late reply on this. Were you able to get this dealt with or are you still receiving those calls?