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Why is the TELUS 24/7 Chat and Phone Service closed?


I need to get a hold of Telus due to a billing issue, but since 4pm (Pacific time) I have been told that the Telus service is closed and to try again later (both phone and 24/7 chat line). I was under the impression that 24/7 service means 24/7... does it not? How am I supposed to contact Telus while I am busy at work? I would love it if someone could shed some light on this issue, as I would like to get my billing and such handled asap.


Thanks in advance. 


Neighbourhood Alum
Neighbourhood Alum

Hi @rksegal1 , you are able to find our business hours via this link  However, our care team is opened till 7PM.  I'm not sure if you called at 4PM why would it say it is closed. You can reach us on Facebook or Twitter as well to get help on your billing question.