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Telus wants I pay for a product I never received

Just Moved In

I have 4 complaints with Telus. Telus should have shipped a new cell phone in Nov. 2024. It never arrived at my home. I talked 4 times with different staff and Telus never called me back. I don't need this "new cell phone" but they continue to send me emails and they want me to pay for something I don't have or never received. In the last complaint, two weeks ago, they told me that I should receive the "new cell phone "  in my home, and then return it to Telus. In this way, my petition to eliminate my account will be processed. They said, I shouldn't pay anything, but they continue to send me emails to remind me to pay. I want to eliminate my account with Telus, but they haven't responded to finish this incredibly stupid situation. I am sick and tired of this.