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Telus Reward Points are Expiring End of January 2025?


I just found out from a friend of mine who still receives monthly paper bills that, according to the fine print at the bottom of his bill, Telus Reward points earned before December 31, 2023 are going to expire at the end of this month, January 2025! How would people know this? Who reads the tiny fine print at the bottom of their paper phone bill, if they even receive one? I didn't believe that Telus would do such a thing to their customers without making sure that their customers were informed of this change through letters, emails, online posts, large notices on their website, etc., so I went online to download a copy of my last bill (I don't get paper bills so I never look at the entire thing), and sure enough, In teeny tiny fine print at the bottom of my 4-page bill, it says:


"As of January 30, 2025, points accumulated up to December 31, 2023 will no longer be retained. Points earned in 2024 will not be impacted. 


1. WHY has there not been an email informing customers of this and why is there nothing on the Telus Rewards web page to indicate that points are expiring?

2. WHY would reward points expire? No other rewards program I know of does this to their customers as long as the account is kept active.


My prediction is that, unless a major information campaign is started on this change, Telus will have many upset customers losing their Reward Points.




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I'm waiting for a response to my follow up on your private message. 


I just discovered this myself and I did NOT know about it. This is so unacceptable. I get my bill online and I look at the total. For such a huge change they should have sent emails about it. They are cowards because they knew if they buried it in the bill at the bottom no one would notice and then there would be no outcry about it. Until of course they go to redeem points and then it's too late. Such crappy customer service. 

Friendly Neighbour

We all need to go back to paper bills so they can’t pull this on us again as it is pretty hard to read on a phone

Friendly Neighbour

I call Telus and got my points as a bill credit

I'm definitely calling. I'm in a meeting this afternoon but I will call asap. 


I hate calling and sitting on the phone for hours for the lost points that I didn't know about till now. This betrayal and the total ignore I got when I emailed about technical support is making me wonder about having loyalty to this company. I've been with Telus for about 10 years now. It might be time to consider switching.

Friendly Neighbour
It is best to request a call back
Sent from my iPhone

I hate calling into these companies too. They bank on that tho I bet.