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Price Match Guarantee not honoured


I got an iPhone 15 Pro on a Bring-It-Back plan just before Christmas. On Boxing Day the monthly price for the Bring-It-Back plan was lowered, so I applied for the Price Match Guarantee. It was declined with no reason given. I submitted the form two more times and again was declined with no reason. I meet all eligibility criteria and filled in the form properly. I chatted with a customer support rep who was very attentive and who communicated with the team that does price matching (I was told there is no way for me to contact them directly.) The reason they gave for the denial was that I did not request the price match on the same day that the price was lower. This is completely untrue! The price was lower on each day that I requested the match and is still the lower price today on


Any suggestions on how I can reach the team that does the price match requests? I am still within 15 days so I could just return the phone and buy the exact same one at the lower price, but that seems to defeat the purpose of the Price Match Guarantee. What a hassle for me, the support reps, and not to mention additional cost for Telus. I am very upset that the price match team is being dishonest and if I end up having to return the phone and buy it again, I will just go with Bell or Rogers since they are offering an identical deal.


I submitted the form again and today it was approved (with the same information.) In the field where you note the lower price, I also wrote something like, "this is the price shown on today" given the reason they told me I was getting denied.

View solution in original post


Any resolution to this? I am in the same boat. Store tells me the holiday return period is until Jan 15. So I can go to the store, return two phones, get two new phones for the cheaper price. Seems easier for everyone if they would just price adjust!

I submitted the form again and today it was approved (with the same information.) In the field where you note the lower price, I also wrote something like, "this is the price shown on today" given the reason they told me I was getting denied.


I saw it the price was lowered on mine as well, I contacted EPP the same day, we did a price match for both lines that I activated, got an email back saying it would be 2-3 business days and still nothing. I phoned EPP for an update they said they had nothing at their end but to contact them before the 15th if I haven't received anything. I contacted Telus through facebook and they said they have nothing to do with price matching! frustrating!