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Phone Lost by UPS

Just Moved In

I have been a customer of Telus for over 10 years. For the last several years, they have been sending me text offers to upgrade my device. I took a new job that has a phone incentive for employees so decided to upgrade by accepting a text offer.  I ordered a new iPhone 15 Pro Max from the web store on August 17, 2024.  On August 22 the phone stopped tracking via UPS and said 'delayed.' I called Telus immediately and said the phone would most likely get delivered but to call back on September 9 if it didn't.  On September 9, I called back as the phone had never been delivered and tracking still said 'delayed.'  The Telus representative told me to go to the Calgary Police Station to file a police report.  I drop to Calgary Police Station and was told this was not a crime, that this was the shipper's problem as it never reached me and I had no evidence (ie. doorbell cameras that showed someone stealing) to report a crime.  He told me the phone was 'lost in transit' and as such no crime had occurred so this wasn't a police matter.  I updated Telus and they opened an investigation on September 12 which is supposed to take 30 days.  On September 12 I received an email from Telus Webstore saying UPS would call me to investigate and that if they couldn't get a hold of me no refund or replacement would be issued.  On September 17, I received a call from UPS (the caller ID said 'GEORGIA' so lucky I answered it).  The call lasted 1 minute and she had only asked me if I received the package to which I said no and that the final determination of my case would be made by Telus.  On September 18, a UPS courier came to my house to have me sign a declaration that the package hadn't been received - which I signed.  He also told me that stealing was RAMPANT in the UPS warehouse and that it was common for new UPS employees to work for one month, steal as many Apple, Nike and Telus packages as they could and then stop showing up for work.  As of today (September 26) I am left paying for a new wireless contract and new phone without anything to show for it.  Telus has not completed their part of the contract in providing me with a new device as as far as I'm concerned are in breach of their service contract with me.  When I called the Telus Web Store today asking for an update, they told me that the investigation was with the Inventory Team and UPS was still 'searching their warehouse.'  Why is this the protocol and level of customer service that is accepted?  Of course UPS is still searching their warehouse, they don't want to admit the package was lost under them.  This is between Telus and UPS and me (the customer) is caught in the middle but left holding the bill.  I will NEVER order from the Telus Webstore again. The headache, frustration, financial loss and hours spent talking to Telus Customer Service bringing everyone up to speed on my case is simply not worth it.  This is a broken system, full of broken protocols that will only get worse.  I called AS SOON as my phone stopped tracking - this issue could have been dealt with over a month ago, but here we are with probably 2 more weeks to go (or more) in this futile 'investigation.'  How do I get answers?  This is 2024, I depend on my phone for life & work and Telus does not seem to recognize that.