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Missing Cell Phone


I have been waiting over 2 weeks for the new phone I ordered online for black Friday. No information from TELUS on what is happening. UPS is sending me to TELUS, TELUS is sending me to UPS. No one taking accountability. Tracking number says its been sitting at UPS since Nov 16th..................


7 calls, 6 people = hours unlimited still not answers. How difficult can this be, customer for over 15 years. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. That's definitely not the experience we want our customers to have. I'll send you a private message to discuss.


Still haven't heard from anyone, I had to waste another 1.5 hours today on the phone. UPS figured out the phone is lost and send the details to TELUS to file out paperwork. TELUS isn't willing to do anything told me to wait another 30 days for their investigation to be finished................. Investigate what exactly no idea UPS has already confirmed its lost on their end .Meanwhile your customer stills and waits again for anther 30 days what happens then who knows