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Telus Webmail


Why is it I can copy and paste text to Telus Webmail but not pictures/photos?


TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hey @Curiousalways 


That's a very technical question, but basically its a limitation on computer operating systems, not webmail specifically. When you copy text, and paste it into a website, your browser knows to convert the text into HTML. As for images, they are not in an HTML format, so the browser does not know what to do with it.

Did you know...

  • Gmail allows you to drag and drop a picture into an email? (its not the same as copy/paste, but close)
  • TELUS customers are getting migrated to use Gmail for their Telus Webmail in stages. This means you can soon start to drag & drop photos/videos/documents into an email. The Gmail interface is far better than the default Telus Webmail interface in my opinion. 
    Click Here
    to learn more. 

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