2 weeks ago
Maybe this question was answered before. I am a new customer to Telus. My questions is
1. can I hook a switch after the ONT eg. ONT-----SWITCH----HUB(NH20T) (cuz it's connected to 3 Telus wifi6 WAP)
and the other switch port to another router (Cisco Router)?
2. Will I be able to access the hub(NH20T) and the Telus WAP wifi6 if the ONT is Hooked up to a Switch?
3, Will I still be able to access the hub(NH20T) and Telus WAP wifi6 if I'm connected from the Cisco router?
If someone could kindly help me with these question would be greatly appreciated before I grandly get internet cables and the switch.
Solved! Go to Solution.
a week ago
Ok Update,
Again thank you so much for both NightHawk and Netstorm95 help.
After much research and invenstigation my speed is finally working excellent. Took two days to run new wires again but this time I ran new cat 6 cables to the NAH (4 of them). Might as well take advantage and utilize all 4 ports from the NAH. Had the technician in 3 times the first two times must have terminated my cable in correctly> Last time we spoke I ran a new cat 6 cable also. Had this tech guy from where I got my cables from . He was so sympathic to my issue , he offered to check my lines for me of course I paid him a bit for it. All is well and my kid thank you for it too.
Thanks again,
2 weeks ago
1. Yes. Just make sure you buy a fast enough switch to handle your connection. If you have over 1gbps, you'll either need a 2.5gbps or a 10gbps switch depending on what speed your connection is.
2. If you are on the NH20T network, you'll have no issue connecting out if there's a switch between it and the ONT. All a switch is is a splitter. The router connected won't even see it.
3. No. If there is a switch between the ONT and the NH20T and Cisco routers, then the NH20T and Cisco router will be two physically separate networks.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Update ONT to Switch and then to two different routers the telus one and my cisco one.
Had to make sure I tested it out before I ask from nighthawk
Results the telus router gives out 940mbps consistently (mind you it's connected via the coxial cable for the telus WAP (3 of them) throughout the house and hard wired from one of the WAP to two computers in my office.
My Cisco router however is only giving out 90-93 Mbps. It's hardwired to my kid computer. New computer gaming .
Not sure why this is happening . Tried to call telus support and explained but they don't recommend using a switch.
Does telus provide 2 public address on residential home purefibre internet service?
Any suggestions to the speed difference?
2 weeks ago
Tech support has a limited scope for what that they cover. They only support Telus hardware so it's not unusual for the switch and Cisco to be unsupported by them. You're definitely not the first to use a switch or third party router.
Home accounts typically have been allowed 2 IP addresses.
The speed difference might come down to a configuration issue on the Cisco. It's hard to say. Some users have reported speed issues in the past when using third party routers. A few have found fixes for the speed but I don't know if it was a Cisco router they were using. Cisco is also pretty rare these days. Ubiquiti seems to be the more common one now. Which model of router is it? Is the Cisco capable of gigabit or is it an older one with 100mbit ports on it? Maybe check the settings to see if there is one that mentions the speed of the ethernet ports if it is gigabit.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Installateur telus avec 10 ans d'expérience......
1:les client résidentiel peuvent avoir jusqu'à 4 adresse IP publique a la fois en mode pont ou avec une switch relier aux Nokia ONT
2: si tu atteint ton 940 mbps sur ton modem Telus mais pas sur ton autre routeur déja ta switch est correcte et elle est GBPS dans ce cas ses très simple soit ton router (cisco)ne dispose pas de port Gigabit mais de port 100 mégabit ( a verifier sur le site du fabriquant de ton router) dans ce cas si tu ne pourra dépasser de 100 mbps de toute ce qui est brancher sur ce router ou encore les câble réseaux utiliser a la suite du router (du router a l'ordinateur)ne sont pas de catégorie 5E (minimum)ou simplement l'ordinateur de jeu de ton enfant ne dispose pas d'une carte réseaux Gigabit (vérifier les spécification de la carte mère de l'ordinateur sur le site du fabriquant)
3:penser a acheter un commutateur managable (management switch) de cette facon tu pourra ponter tes 2 équipement avec ton ONT NOKIA mais tu pourra instaurer un Protocol QOS affin d'assurer la qualité du service dispenser a tes 2 équipement mais aussi pour éviter que si quelqu'un en surcharge une qui n'en reste plus sur lautre.
3:l'utilisation de la fonction MOCA des modem est déconseiller (perte de paquet,deconnexion,plantage du dhcp) cette option devait aux départ permettre a telus d'installer la télé ou internet chez des client en utilisant le câblage coaxial existant dans le cas ou l'occupant ou le propriétaire de logement refuse que telus perce des trou pour passer des fils et cette option est envisager très très peut souvent par les installateur... pense a t'installer des bon câble réseaux (min cat5E) ca en vaut la peine....
2 weeks ago
Technicien 10 ans d'expérience en Télécommunication !
1: Vous pouvez obtenir jusqu'à 4 adresse IP publique soit en mode pont avec l'équipement fourni par telus soit un installant un commutateur (switch) sur le Nokia ONT.
2: le fait que vous obtenez 940 mégabit/s avec le modem telus démontre que votre commutateur (switch) dispose de port Gigabit ce qui est parfait maintenant les possibilité sont pas grande soit:
1/ Le router CISCO que vous utiliser ne dispose pas de PORT Gigabit(vérifier sur le site du fabriquant)
2/ le câble réseaux utiliser entre le router et L'ordinateur de jeu est endommager ou il ne s'agit pas de câble de catégorie 5E Minimum.
3/ la carte réseaux intégré a la carte mère de l'ordinateur de jeu de votre enfant n'est pas une carte réseaux Gigabit mais une carte réseaux 10/100 (vérifier les spécification sur le site du fabriquant de votre carte mère)
4/ l'utilisation de la fonction MOCA des modem telus n'est pas conseiller (perte de paquet,deconexion,planatage du DHCP) aux départ la fonction MOCA devait permettre aux technicien telus d'installer les service télé optique ou internet Lorsque l'occupant ou le propriétaire des lieu n'autorise pas telus a percer des trou dans les mur dans ce cas les technicien utilise le câblage coaxial déjà en place pour le fournir mais je vous assure que cette option est très très rarement envisager par les technicien.. penser a installer des câble réseaux aux minimum de catégorie 5E....
2 weeks ago
1. Telus seems to only permit 2 dynamic IP addresses currently for residential accounts. The last time I saw 4 was about 15 years ago on DSL.
2-1. While the router in question is quite old, it has 4 gigabit LAN ports and 1 gigabit WAN port. None of them are 100mbit only. The specs were very easy to find.
2-2. A bad/old ethernet cable is possible. I don't think they even sell anything older than a Cat5E cable in stores anymore.
2-3. A 100mbit network port on the computer is extremely unlikely unless they're using a very old computer.
2-4. MOCA won't have anything to do with this as the Cisco doesn't even support it and is connected by ethernet only.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
a week ago
Ok Update,
Again thank you so much for both NightHawk and Netstorm95 help.
After much research and invenstigation my speed is finally working excellent. Took two days to run new wires again but this time I ran new cat 6 cables to the NAH (4 of them). Might as well take advantage and utilize all 4 ports from the NAH. Had the technician in 3 times the first two times must have terminated my cable in correctly> Last time we spoke I ran a new cat 6 cable also. Had this tech guy from where I got my cables from . He was so sympathic to my issue , he offered to check my lines for me of course I paid him a bit for it. All is well and my kid thank you for it too.
Thanks again,