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Problem connecting devices to Telus modem

I have a Honeywell thermostat which connects to the internet via a redlink internet gateway. I have issues connecting the redlink to the internet (via cable) and I was told it is a common issue with the white Telus modem. Does anyone have similar issues with connecting home devices to Telus modem?


FIXED!!! No need to replace modem.


  1. Open browser, type in to open admin portal
  2. type "admin"; password admin password from modem
  3. "Change the device login password" - skip
  4. Dashboard - left menu - click Network
  5. Network dashboard - top menu - hover over LAN - click on BRIDGE
  6. BRIDGE page - check ENABLE BRIDGE (opens LAN PORT dropdown options - click LAN 1 (refers to port options on back of modem)
  7. click SAVE SETTINGS ("applying changes ...")
  8. Logout
  9. Unplug power from Redlink Gateway device, wait 10 seconds, plug back in.
  10. Ethernet light should turn GREEN now
  11. Test - open TCC app, adjust thermostat, see if thermostat registers change.
  12. THANKS ANNA!!!

View solution in original post


The V6 is your wireless access pt, cannot bridge any of it's ethernet ports. Pull the cover off the network access hub, use a flat screw driver at the top in the middle should pop off. Sometimes they put the tiny screw in the bottom for extra holding power. The sticker will be there, at bottom of sticker will say admin and a password. So when you type in type admin and password. That will bring up the interface and you are talking to the nah now. Click the green coloured band saying broadband then click tab saying local port mode, click  port 1 bridge, apply changes, restart modem, port 1 on nah should now be in bridge mode and will show under the broadband banner as enabled. Plug in the honeywell to port 1 should blink green now. The honeywell device is a gateway too.

Hi, just use TP Link network switch, attach with your router or anywhere the Ethernet cable available, and then Redlink attached to TP Link the it should work.
Mine is working that way.