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IPv6 with NH20A Bridge to PFSense



I'm having a really hard time getting IPv6 to work. Please help.

Here's my setup:

- Telus PureFiber X 3gbit

- NH20A router provided by telus in Bridge mode

- PFsense firewall connected to the 10gbit bridge port


From the various googling I've done I've configured PFsense as follows:


WAN internface:

- IPv6 set to DHCP6

- Request Only an IPv6 Prefix checked

- DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation size set to 56

- Send IPv6 Prefix Hint checked

- Do not wait for a RA checked


LAN interface:

- IPv6 Confguration Type Track Interface

- Track IPv6 Interface set to WAN

- Track IPv6 Prefix ID set to 0


- DHCP6 disabled on LAN

- Router Advertisements Enabled and set to Router Mode Unmanaged.



Global Advanced: Allow IPv6 enabeld


Looking at the interfaces. The WAN interface has a IPv6 Address.

Looking at the System Logs for DHCP6 I can see the WAN interface is receiving a /56 Delegation range from Telus.

A workstation in the LAN gets an IPv6 Address in the delegation range.


I cannot ping any ipv6 addresses on the internet.

I did a packet capture in PFSenes of the WAN interface while performing an ipv6 ping on my workstation.

The packet capture reveals the ICMPv6 ping leaves the WAN interface but never receives a response from the internet.


I feel like either the NH20A doesn't properly support IPv6 in bridge mode: Ive read some posts saying this but havn't seen anything conclusive.

Or perhapps IPv6 is not configured correctly on Telus's side for me or my area.

Can I please get some assistance?




I tried to phone techincal support. I got someone who didn't know what IPv6 was. She was very nice and tried to deligate my question to someone else. She was told told its not compatible with PFSense and that was the end of the call.

I would like further assistance as I feel that was very inconclusive.


Unfortunately this goes above my technical knowledge, perhaps our community power users might have some insight.


@Nighthawk @FuzzyLogic @NFtoBC @WestCoasterBC Do you guys have any input that could help?

Community Power User
Community Power User

I don't have the NH20A so I can't comment on its capabilities. 


I do know that PFSense is something well beyond what tech support is able to handle. IPv6 is also as it's not something they can configure or support, especially on third party hardware and software. Support is there only to support Telus products and services.


If I do recall correctly, there are other users that have posted in the past about using third party hardware on a bridged connection and having issues with IPv6. They had to tweak the settings on the third party device before IPv6 would work. If the NH20A itself has an IPv6 address then it is possibly just a configuration issue with PFSense.

If you find a post useful, please give the author a "Like" or mark as an accepted solution if it solves your trouble. 🙂

Thanks for the replies. I'm not expecting Telus to help me configure PFSense. And I greatly appreciate everyone reading this thread and chiming in.


I'm just hoping Telus can offer me a functioning WAN link with IPv6. I would be very interested to know if anyone is able to get the NH20A to work with IPv6 in Bridge mode on any 3rd party router.


From how my packet capture shows the ping traffic leaving the WAN interface and never receiving a reply. It looks like Telus might be routing the /56 delegation prefix back to my WAN connection.


My brother has Telus XGS-PON service as well and was given some black nokia router instead of the white NH20A. The technician installed this instead when his service was setup when he told the technician he wanted to use his own router. I have not found any evidence of anyone getting IPv6 to work on the NH20A in bridge with a 3rd party router online. I would love to hear otherwise. If so, what device and what settings.

Community Power User
Community Power User

Sorry I can't help with this one. I don't have that equipment either.

Just a long time customer hoping to help.