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I just learned Telus is migrating webmail to Gmail!

Community Power User
Community Power User

I suspect this is related to email issues Telus had in August but that's speculation on my part. I was trying to modify my Junk mail settings for Webmail and can't seem to find the settings to change it. In the process I discovered this:

Webmail to Gmail migration: What you need to know Starting March 2020, we will begin migrating all TELUS Webmail accounts to Gmail, the Google email platform


If this was publicized I seem to have missed it. More information here:


Here's hoping this transition goes smoothly. I'm curious what the privacy implications are as that's why I've stayed away from Gmail.

Just a long time customer hoping to help.
107 REPLIES 107

@amam  Like every one else. They will let you know when. I had a lot of trouble in the migration. If you have a lot of emails you need to use save them somewhere. Some people have lost all contacts and also the emails. It took 6 hours on the phone to change 3 devices of mine. I lost my emails but contacts came through ' I printed some important emails and also my contacts There seems to be a lot of trouble with outlook express. Ploecat

Has anyone noticed messages showing up in their inbox about some kind of scam/virus document link sent to some people? For the past two nights it has done this my PC is off and nothing shows sent on my phone?

I just checked Google and these scam messages are showing up in Sent items like 3 and 5am.

If these emails are showing up in your personal sent mail folder, then your computer or phone must have a virus. More likely the PC. Perhaps do a virus scan. 


If you are receiving spam emails to your inbox you should drag them to the Spam folder. At least in theory, Google will add them to their spam filter list. 

Helpful Neighbour
Happily, I'm not receiving spam in my inbox, but a couple of days every week I get a torrent of emails in my junk mailbox, sometimes five or six from a single source and dozens from others. Prior to this migration I'd never get more than one or two per day. Not a huge problem, but annoying and I'm curious as to why it's suddenly happening.

Community Power User
Community Power User

Every email provider has tools to deal with spam and malspam. How they work and are implemented will vary. This is most certainly the reason you are seeing the change in behavior.


IMO Telus was overly aggressive in blocking messages. I never receive NDR (non-delivery report) messages using Telus email. I have yet to be migrated but I'm hoping that Gmail will not block these as it's good to know if a message didn't get delivered.


Just a long time customer hoping to help.

Helpful Neighbour
I hear you. Neither did I ever get notification of non-delivery from Telus. But it so infrequently happened I wasn't too bothered. On the other hand, this weekly flood of spam irritates me. I suppose even in this hi-tech world nirvana is still out of reach.

The messages were showing up Google webmail interface in Sent folder so wasn't the PC or phone both are setup as POP.


Anyways I reset my password to a very complicated one nothing was sent this morning.


Now I have another issue was still using to send out mail but started getting 550 rejected messages this morning so changed over and now any messages sent via Phone or PC show back up in my Inbox tried tweaking Gmail settings as per below but no luck so far.