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Feedback : Internet service while evacuated from home


I would like to provide some feedback on my experience with Telus while I was evacuated form my condo building due to a fire. I called Telus soon after I was evacuated on feb 14, along with 60 or so other units as a result of a fire in my condo building. They informed me the only option to pause my internet service, as I was not in my unit and the power was shut off, was to put my account on 'vacation mode' for a maximum of 6 months, and a charge of $15/month. The person I spoke to said they would place this setting on my account. I had to call back 4 separate times, with multiple transfers each call, as they kept charging me the full internet bill. Each time saying they would place my account on 'vacation mode'. One time they provided a credit, but the following month continued to charge me the full bill. This wasted hours of my time and shows that either the training of Telus's staff is so inadequate they cannot place a simple setting onto an internet account, the Telus system is in need of some SERIOUS de-bugging, or that they do not care and are willing to rip off someone in an already stressful and traumatic situation. I would expect that when one person in a condo building makes a call to Telus about such an event (that is in the news even) that they would make a note on the building address to try and accommodate the other occupants using their service.

After the final call, they were willing to provide a small additional credit (less than $40 extra) after I had to exclaim how upset I was that they were only trying to refund me the amount I should have been charged. There was no attempt at retaining me as a customer and trying to compensate for the poor customer service. The people I spoke to were all pleasant to deal with, but they were unable to complete my requests each time. I hope this feedback can reach Telus and help them improve their customer service in some regard. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Can definitely pass this feedback along for sure. If you'd like to discuss this further, let me know and I can send a private message. Thanks.

I would be happy to discuss this further. Please send me a private message.

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