a month ago
I'm trying to cancel my service but haven't been called back. This is the third day of trying. Sometimes Telus would rather keep me on hold for hours listening to the same horrible music or offer a call back but I don't get a call back. The online function is circular and claims I'll get a call back in 15 minutes and it doesn't happen.
This all started when I called called to complain about internet service, getting only 2.4 mbps yet paying $100 per month. When I got through to technical support, after waiting on hold for 1 fifteen minutes, I was told it was because I am using wireless and needed to use an Ethernet cable. I knew this was untrue and had the representative repeat what she said twice so it was not open to misinterpretation. With this response, I had no choice but to call Rogers to change service provider, port my phone over and then afterword, cancel my Telus account. Now I can't get through to anyone to cancel my account. At this moment, I'm still on hold.
I have been a customer of Telus, formerly BCTel since 1979. I worked for Telus when I was a university student. My fathers spent his whole working carrier with BCTel/Telus as a manager. I was a loyal customer. All I wanted was a better internet connection and I was lied to. Now I can't even get through to cancel my account without having my phone tied up and having to wait for...nothing. I've never had such bad service from any company in my life.
a month ago
Hey @nocallback we are sorry to hear about your experience and we want to take steps to help resolve them. We will send you a private message to help with your situation
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a month ago
I am dealing with the same issue too. Even if you do get through to cancel your account ... I canceled 45 days ago and am still be charged for their service. Telus is not even hookup up to my house. I have sat on hold for hours trying to sort out my bill ... I can literally hear the agent laughing. I was a telus customer for over 30 years. Still fighting this,,,, pretty sure it is fraud and I plan to report it .
4 weeks ago
Hi there, we will send you a Private Message.
If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.
a week ago
I am now facing the same issue. I signed up with Telus two weeks ago and was offered a home security promo, I want to cancel it and am now on day 5 of being transferred multiple times, being on hold for hours at a time, being told I am in the wrong department…this is actually unbelievable. It feels fraudulent to not allow you to cancel a service. Everytime I do get through to a person, they tell me they need to transfer me. So far loyalty has said they need to transfer me to home security, home security says they need to transfer me to loyalty. I have a log of every call I make and how long I’m on hold - it’s now day 7 and am over 6.5 hours on the phone just trying to cancel.
a week ago
Definitely not the experience we want for our customers. We'll send you a private message to discuss this further.
If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.