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Cannot reach via WAN IP / Port forwarding, from LAN


I just got installed with PureFibreX with NH20A access hub and I set up my port forwarding. It seems to work from outside. For example I set up port forward 8080 while my WAN IP is

I can successfully telnet 8080, from anywhere outside. However I cannot telnet the same IP/port from my LAN computers.


Community Power User
Community Power User

That is know Telus has all residential connections configured. If you are trying to connect from your LAN to the WAN IP, you can do it if the computer you are connecting from is on a VPN, as long as it's also not the one running the server.

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@feiya200 Wrote: However I cannot telnet the same IP/port from my LAN computers.


You did not specify your topology so I'm guessing:


Hypothesis: You have a server NATed from the outside to its internal IP and you want to access it from the inside using its outside IP.


The problem is that you NAT rule most probably is mapped to your outside network interface as well. This way it's not NATed and unless you have some egress filtering your connection goes outside to the net.


You either have to make a NAT rule for your "loop" connection and make all traffic cross you LAN twice or simply connect to it directly using its internal IP.


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I just upgraded to the NH20A today and having some issues connecting with MS remote desktop (mstsc).  I have port forwarded 3389 to my PC.  However, it doesn't connect.

What steps did you take to ensure your port forwarding work properly.