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Ai mesh support?

I recently purchased a new Asus router set to improve home wifi. It is the AX6100 system. Currently, i have a switch splitting the connection from the fiber modem into the asus router and the telus T3200M router. Wifi has been disabled on T3200M and all optik tv is working through hardwired ethernet to the T3200M. The asus router is connected via AiMesh to the second router. The asus system handles the wifi. Is there an easier way to get the benefits of the stronger routers while maintaining the ability for wireless optik tv?

Better to keep things simple by enabling the T3200 antenna and hiding the SSID broadcast. By default the Telus Optik SSID is hidden, so you would only be hiding the public broadcast.

Another way is to leave the T3200 antenna OFF and get a Ven501 Access Point from Telus and connect it to the T3200 (hardwired). The access point will broadcast a hidden SSID just like the T3200, and of course it's also compatible with multicast traffic from STBs.