Hello. I am reporting a graffiti covered green TELUS box which is located on the property line at the address 1460 Barclay Street. The green box is physically located on Nicola Street near Ted Northe Lane (the alley parallel to Barclay Street).
I've included a link to show the location of the power box on Google Maps. It is directly across the street from the property address 971 Nicola Street.
Here is a picture of the graffiti covered box currently (attached). As you can see, it's got a lot more graffiti on it now than when the last Google maps picture was taken.
I assume this power box belongs to TELUS, however I could not locate any TELUS signage on the box.
There are two numbers on the box: 5062 on the left side and 5061 on the right side of the box.![IMG_3148[1].JPG IMG_3148[1].JPG](/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/15448i747130E93FEC26B9/image-size/large?v=v2&px=999)