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EA hosted their awesome #EAPlayLive event today and they definitely didn't pull any punches. From first Battlefield 2042 gameplay, to a new APEX Legends character, to a surprise remaster of a classic survival horror title...there was a ton for gamers to be excited about. Let's take a look at some of the biggest announcements!



Battlefield 2042


Gameplay was shown from the highly anticipated near-future setting of the latest BF title, and it looks amazing! Another surprise was the reveal of Battlefield Portal which is a creative mode of sorts. Featuring all 7 maps from the base game, along with six classic maps which can be remixed with custom game modes, settings, weapons, soldiers, and vehicles. I can't wait to see what people come up with!





Apex Legends


Respawn not only introduced the newest legend 'Seer' but also a brand new season titled 'Emergence' which launches August 3. In an otherwise bloated genre full of FPS arena games, Apex Legends has continued to be one of the best and brightest. Balanced gameplay, exciting weapons and characters, and well-planned maps make this always a fun time to hop back into! 





Dead Space


Easily the announcement that I'm most hyped for...Motive Studio has remastered the survival horror classic Dead Space for next gen consoles. I'm a massive survival horror fan, and the original Dead Space still stands the test of time as one of the most haunting experiences I've had playing a video game. From the claustrophobic setting, to menacing enemies and storyline...I absolutely cannot wait to play this in stunning 4K detail. Oh man...




EA didn't stop there, announcing a new season of their smash multiplayer dodgeball hit Knockout City, a new racing title Grid Masters, and much more! Be sure to check out their official Twitter account for all the updates announced today. Game On!