Friendly Neighbour
since ‎01-30-2024

User Statistics

  • 7 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

Not all phone calls are going directly to voicemail without the phone even ringing first but at least half of them.  No notification of missed calls with a phone number or anything. If there wasn’t a notification that I had a voice mail, I wouldn’t k...
Telus Cyber Monday Deal Extended -$30-$35 BYOD CAN-US-MEX 200 GB or $45 with $0 PhonesCANADA-US-MEX PLAN - unlimited 200 GB 5G+ for $45/mo/line (4 lines minimum)- Unlimited CAN-US-Mexico Calling & texting and Roaming- Intl messaging- 1000 Intl Minute...
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