since ‎02-25-2022

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This new second verification thing does not work for me. Years ago when we started a Telus account my wife used her e-mail and we shared the password. That worked fine for both of us. Now with 2 step ID the code gets sent to her e-mail which of cours...
Until March 28. Scroll down on your channel 'guide' to channels 3001 and 3003. If you don't see either channel then select 'guide' then 'options' (bottom right hand corner). Use the silver ring in the center to 'arrow down' to 'guide settings' and pr...
Channel 3000 "entering the Ukrainian category" suddenly appeared on my channel guide here in Calgary. There is nothing Ukranian there but a static picture of the usual Telus channel categories.However:Take your remote and click Guide/options/guide se...
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