08-11-2023 01:26 PM
There are 2 of these Telus Telephone Boxes sitting in our backyard over 20 years
and we would it to be removed. Not sure they are still functional or not because there are wires going underground. I've attached picture of these 2 units. Please advise as to what department of Telus I can talk to. Thanks.
08-11-2023 02:49 PM
@Hampton Do you have underground power and tel to your house. The boxes are always on right of way in alley or even front of house.
08-11-2023 03:11 PM
08-11-2023 03:41 PM
@Hampton Those are major junction boxes. They would be on right of way not moveable If they were on your property there would be a easement notation on your property title. Very rare for that. You could go to city office an look up your property and the subdivision will show things. Big $ to move this . Looks like large pipe in ground 4 inch ? hundreds of wires in it.
08-11-2023 04:12 PM
08-11-2023 05:10 PM
@Hampton Hit by car the area around there --- no telephone------internet-------- could be days to repair it. It might be a large area also. People have medical life lines ------ security services ---- and other things. Could be really bad for some people who depend on the services on the wires.