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ADT help


We have ADT, and my VISA expired, So I have a new card, and I need to set that card number up for direct payments for ADT's services. ADT mailed the bill, and on the back it says I can Pay on line at So I went there, and this is NOT very user friendly. Of course ADT is closed during after hours, which makes it hard for me to talk to anyone. I work 6-6 Mon to Fri, and do not have the time to sit on hold for hours at a time during my work day. These on line payment things need to be set up easier for people like me to pay my bills. Sorry, I am just frustrated with all the Automated useless features, I can call and a Telus support tech will answer, but can't help me with ADT's stuff. I'd like to set it up where I don't have to fight to change my card number every time my card expires, I had issues last time doing this. Is there a way a computer illiterate person like myself can just log in and click pay? can we change it to come out of my checking account instead of VISA? thanks


Neighbourhood Alum
Neighbourhood Alum

Hi @Ryan58,   To be able to pay through, if it is the first time using it you would have to create an account first, then everytime you login, you would not have to repeat all the steps you did the first time.  Once this account is created, you can setup your credit card as payment method however, everytime your credit card expires, you would have to replace it as the old card becomes invalid.  There is no workaround for that.  
Should you want to have the business hours, according to the website the office hours is from 6:30am to 11pm EST.


If that service is linked to your My Telus Profile via an account number, you can set up an auto pay function through your bank. Telus's stuff is listed in terms of account numbers in most banks, so you shouldn't need to worry about not having access to your credit card to pay for ADT. I never used it myself, but that's how I pay my Telus bills through my bank's auto pay feature. It's better to have credit and not use it all the time, than to use it and live off of it to collect a pay check.