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"Free TV"


I just signed up today June 18th 2024 I received my service agreement in their nowhere does it say i will get a free TV. I specifically asked Gary the gentleman i was talking to 3 times that i would also be getting my Free TV. If it doesn't say free TV anywhere in my agreement than it would be hard for me to trust that i will actually be receiving this item. I got the cable TV package with 4 themes and 1 premium and the 946 gig up and down internet for total of 156.00 plus additional for a wifi booster. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, do you have your login info to your online account yet?

Hi, Here is my story. as of now i guess I'm not a customer. I spoke with Telus Rep Gary in the morning around 11:00AM June 18, 2024. He gave me all the pricing, and i specifically asked 3 times that I would receive the "Free TV" his answer was yes every time. I wanted to do my due diligence and contact Shaw (who i am currently with) to discuss their pricing and after being unsatisfied i decided i would go with Telus' offer. Gary had promised to call me back within an hour as i said i was going to reach out to Shaw right away. He did call back and I once again said i wanted to confirm all the pricing and again asked that I would receive the "free TV". Once again it was Yes to all. So i agreed and set up account. I received my contract which i went through, i did not notice the "free TV", nor the $250 in credits. Also i chose Crave as my free premium which was on the contract but Disney was added at $15.00 which i did not ask for. I called Telus again at approximately 3:00PM June 18, 2024. I spoke briefly with a woman who i told everything too. She put me on hold for about 23 minutes came back and said she's still looking into and put me on hold for another 38 minutes when the phone disconnected. So an hour of my time gone there. I called back again and spoke to another gentleman and explained everything again. This time he at least took my phone number down in case we got disconnected. He was looking into everything and putting me on hold again i waited a total of an hour where as he said he was still waiting for someone on his end. He said he would call me back in an hour. I did receive his call at about 6:30PM June 18, 2024. Which he stated that the deal i received was not correct to also get the "Free TV". He did however say he would call back today June 19, 2024 to discuss what he could do. Then i noticed my contract was cancelled and the service call for a tech to come to my house for June 29th at 8-10AM. Shortly after I received a call from Gary my original rep that i spoke with. He further stated that there was a miscommunication and the deal he was giving me would not include the "Free TV". I am a little frustrated with that... As i cleary asked at least 4-5 times over the two phone calls i had with Gary to Confirm that was the deal. I have been with shaw for about 15 years and thought since we recently (last couple years) got Optic Fiber in our neighborhood, and the deal seemed great with the "Free TV" that it would be worth the switch. 

Thanks so much! I've submitted the escalation so you should hear from them within 48 hours


Just to confirm as well i did have an account number of (account number removed due to personal information) which does now not exist.


Can you send us a private message? 



Unfortunately i cant.

Sent you a private message via the Telus Support account. 


Interesting, in the past 10 months I have not read that anyone got their free TV. Several have had this same complaint. Usually we never hear how these problems are resolved. @koffmcsp please post the resolution