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Recordings Red Circle 🔴

This should a pinned thread for everyone to keep adding too since it seems to be another ongoing issue with recording flaws.
Here is the list of shows currently showing in my recordings that have a Red Circle beside it and haven't gone away in over a week.
Special Forces
The Fifth Estate E4
Power Trip:The story of energy
Masked Singer E8
The View
Can someone remove these?

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @RobG3987, @Grimmt is correct that there's something going on with the metadata where unavailable shows are being shown as recordable. I flagged this about a month ago to the development team and it looks like we just finished testing a new build that should help with this experience. We're aiming to have a new release by the end of the month. 


I'm also working on a new thread to showcase the new features that we've launched in the hopes of providing transparency. Please stay tuned! 

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Rob, I too reported this issue a while back.

They had a developer take a look and it cleared up once a developer did something.


A week later some more showed up (6, I think) and when I reported on my thread - the next day they were removed.

I have not had another one since - being now just over a week.


I believe the issue may be sourced by metadata changes to the programming.   I think in some cases, recordings become obsolete or they are moved to another time slot.   There must be a window where clean up routines are not being applied properly (if at all).  Also, for me, these recordings don't show up on the TelusTV+ app on iOS or PC, only  on the TelusTV-21T boxes.


In almost every case I encountered, there was something weird with the recording - i.e. a title change or a channel change or a time change for the programs.


I hope they can run whatever routine that fixed my recordings (removed), for you.

Yes, I remember reading your thread about it.
I've actually had this happen frequently but normal they resolve and disappear after a short period,, but this time they are lingering and aren't going away.
Just another issue in the never ending and never improving system.

Can't even get responses to DM from @Optik-Kate and @A-B
Guess their whole support system is dysfunctional now.


I know: promised "Improving system"

I actually laughed out loud.


I think I figured out why.

Telus collaborated (read out-sourced) their apps with 3SS - a european company specializing in streaming media (i.e. on-demand feeds).   The problem is 3SS don't seem to have a handle on the real-time/time-shifted (read PVR) experience.


The reason we are not seeing improvement, I feel, is because Telus is not involved with with in-house development of the application at all.  I think they need to feed back our complaints to a 3rd party and have them improve the applications, which will be at the bottom of their to-do list as they are a streaming focused company.


I'm extremely happy with my fibre internet.

I'm ok with real-time TV, unhappy with the TV guides (due to poor metadata), and extremely unhappy with the PVR (due to again metadata, and missing key/critical features).


Telus is in real trouble if they don't get more control over the TV applications.  I've already jumped ship with with my cell/mobile, in anticipation of returning to Shaw/Rogers when the the ROI makes sense.


I thought with the investment, quality and reliability Telus had in fibre, they had the upper hand.   Why would they do this - such a lost opportunity!

Too funny. I think we are all waiting to leave 😆.  After 6 months and zero improvements my patience has run out.


That's an interesting theory on the development. But whatever their excuse, it's shameful we have to put up with this dumpster fire, particularly given the cost.


I too cancelled my cellphone a couple of months after starting as the options to add any data were very expensive. Luckily I transferred all my Shaw email addresses to another account holder before I cancelled.


I agree, the fibre internet is absolutely awesome, 940+ Mbps upload and download - all the time! But I was getting around 650Mbps with my 1Gb plan with Shaw. I will forgo the additional speed for a TV system that actually works...


Yep. Currently have 5 of these empty recordings sitting in my list too. Usually start off together with another actual recording. What a wonderful system we are paying for!  

Like I said,,, should be a pinned thread.
Gee,, and nobody from Telus has responded,,, what a surprise...
Anyone care to address this or ??

Hi Rob, If every problem was pinned then that would take up pages and pages 🤣. ( not really funny, frustrating beyond belief, but way to many to even list!)


It appears that even TELUS employees have given up... We never see any updates or dates for implemented improvements. I have given up posting new threads. Absolutely no point. Nothing ever changes, it's even hard to get a response!


TELUS is just happy to keep on raking in our hard earned $ as we are tied to a contract. They should be totally ashamed and embarrassed and giving us refunds for this abysmal TV system! I don't think I have ever dealt with a company that has such a total disregard for it's paying customers.


I pity those that are not so technically inclined and are just looking for a reliable, working TV service. Their webpage should list all the shortcomings in the TV contract before they sign up 🤔.

I too am suffering from red dot syndrome. Most frustrating so I hope the end of the month means November and not December. I have about 8 shows that are tied up with this ridiculous flaw. Fortunately I can watch them on an app on my iPad. Take a hint Kate from Carol, Rob and many more, fix it!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. Kate has been exceptional in doing everything in her power to both pass feedback along to our development team and keep the community informed as much as possible. While we appreciate any and all constructive feedback as we seek to improve the Optik experience, and truly appreciate the patience of the customers during the process, the tone of the last sentence here is unwelcome. If you have anything further to share or would like to discuss things, by all means send me a private message. Thanks.

I apologize for my last sentence to Kate. I have just been frustrated by not knowing it was a thing and Telus (Kate) have been working hard to fix it. I patiently wait for a solution to this problem.

On a positive note - they are currently rolling out the new versoin (1.23.11_400).

One of my settop boxes updated to the new version yesterday and it has removed the bad recordings from my recording list.   The recordings list now matches what I see in the TelusTV+ apps (PC and iOS).

There are other changes/updates/fixes too.


@Optik-Kate mentioned she is putting together a message to cover off the changes 

Grimmt, did you have to accept the update or is it done automatically. You had said you noticed the version changed, just checking if I have to press the update button

No, don't think we did anything. 

My wife was watching something and I came in and clicked on the guide and noticed green New/Live flags showing on the programs.  Since this indicated that something had changed, I went to the recordings and noticed the bad recordings were gone.  Finally, I went to the system information page in settings and saw the version had updated from 1.23.10_400 to 1.23.11_400.


I think this is a pushed update from Telus.

I have another settop box that has not updated yet.   I forced a reboot to see if that would cause an update but it stayed at 1.23.10_400 and continued to show the bad recordings.

I see 1 of my 3 STB has updated to version 11, the other 2 are still at 10.

Now I see the addition of the NEW flag in the guide you mentioned in another post. Finally a welcome improvement,, lets hope it leads to being able to have the "first Run only" series recording option work properly and reduce the cluttered recordings.

wish you would stop inviting PM and hiding the result of those discussions. This forum is for discussing, out in the open.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes it is, which is why it was simply offered should the other person want to do so. I offer the same to you.

Ahh @A-B,, I had sent YOU and OpK PM a few weeks ago and never received any response.. So it seems a bit rich to invite people to PM you when no response is forthcoming.

Community Manager
Community Manager
It’s been an incredibly busy time with Black Friday as well as taking some much needed vacation. At least there’s still the community here to lend an ear!

As always, feel free to continue flagging any issues so we can forward anything pressing off to our development team. Have a super night!