12-06-2021 08:45 PM
Hello everyone,
I can not watch Optik TV on the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser. I am using Windows 10 and I am using Telus Purefiber service. When I login into Optik TV service on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, I can only hear the TV channel audio but I don't see any video. Can someone please show me how to fix this problem?
Also when I press the Alt Tab key combination, I can see the tv video inside the small window but there is no video in the normal browser window.
Thank you very much for your help.
12-07-2021 11:15 AM
Have you any security or ad blocker programs running? A number of folks have had problems with conflicts between Optik and these apps.
12-08-2021 06:14 PM
I tried turning off Webroot antimalware and also turned off the firewall but there is no video displayed in the Chrome browser and Microsoft Edge. I can only hear the audio but there is no video.
Thank you for your help.
Sent from Mail for Windows
12-08-2021 06:00 PM
Doesn't work for me, either, in Safari or Firefox on my Mac computer. I get audio only and have checked content blockers and pop-up blockers.