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Add another email to log in

Hello, I recently open account with telus.
I was trying to find a solution but was not able to do it.
currently I am on EPP plan and when I sign up for it I brought my parents with me ....
I have my own email to log in and get info such as how much data or billing etc. However when I was trying to sign up my telus for my parents..... it either ignore me (refresh same page over and over again) or saying could not find phone number...
Is there any ways that could be seperated using for log in service?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@mong EPP accounts are generally managed by an accounts manager acting on behalf of your employer and the general customer service team (as well as other customers) won't have a great deal of visibility into how the account is set-up. I would suggest calling the EPP team via: 1-844-888-4440 or ringing up your account manager.