5 hours ago
I don't know what to do anymore. This started when I signed up for TV and internet last April when they signed me up for many more channels plus a home security service I never registered for and charged me an additional $500+. I spent two Saturdays on the phone fixing this, after the first 4+ hours when they said it would be fixed and the amount was still taken from my chequing account. Finally fixed after several more hours on a second Saturday.
Now, my TV takes about 5 minutes to connect and turn on each time. After all the diagnostics it wasn't fixed so I had to sign up for a telus wifi + account just to get someone to come over and look at everything. The guy said he didn't know the problem and told me to get a direct cable line. Fine, I will do that. Then I received an email asking them to return equipment I was never provided. I called them up and explained this, they said there would be a note on my account so I wouldn't get an email about it again. I got another email today, called again and they said the cancelled that so I'll be good. Got a phone call back saying I will still get an email asking me to return this non-existent equipment but ignore it. It's now two hours later and I received an email saying they are coming to my new house in Cranbrook to set up my services...I live in Burnaby and have no plan to move. I am concerned I'll somehow be charged for missing a random appointment and new services I never requested. Please someone help, this has been a complete nightmare and hours upon hours of time and stress wasted.
4 hours ago
They said this service appointment is cancelled for some random address in Cranbrook, I just hope it actually is and I wont be charged for some whole new package of tv/internet. I will be cancelling my contract as soon as it's over, I've had so much stress trying to deal with these constant errors and over charges.