22 hours ago
Let me count the ways. My bill in February was $575 for two defunct cameras that I sent back. Finally credited after I called them. 3rd camera sent, also not working. I phoned Telus (hours on hold again) to ask to scrap the plan I got when I had renewed my entire existence with Telus. I didn’t even want a doorbell camera, but it was essentially ‘free’. Ha! I wanted to send the camera back. Nope, they would not let me return it. And they wouldn’t scrap the plan. I would owe $370 on a ‘free’ camera to pay the plan out. Tempting, because who doesn’t want a broken camera in a cardboard box. But aha! Loyalty had an offer they wanted to give me. $15/mos for a camera and 2 other shiny things. Faced with no choice, I had to go this new route. So $15x33 months = of unexpected cost for something I don’t want. They’re sending a tech out this time, actually they did before but this was for a totally unrelated non-issue in the home but meant for the camera. Alrighty then. The tech said he’d make sure they wouldn’t bill me $175 for the non issue, not needed and never asked for visit. We’ll see how the March bill looks. Hopefully the new fangled doorbell camera works. To call Telus again and get what I don’t want for more money may affect my sanity.