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Confirming your cancellation request has incorrect date


I requested to cancel my Telus Internet and TV by calling in today and asked for it to be cancelled after my agreement ends plus a few days buffer (Sept 15) so I can get services installed from Novus.


The cancellation email says services will be cancelled on August 15, 2024 (today!), I immediately call back and they said it looks like it is scheduled to be cancelled for Sept 15 (which is what I requested).


Is it normal that the emails Telus sends provides incorrect information? I do not want my internet to randomly stop working even though I had explicitly asked for it to not be cancelled until September 15, NOT august (today).



I had this exact same issue!! I requested my services to end on my agreement end date, Aug 16. They sent an email that it would get cancelled on July 16, which the agent told me was normal but to ignore it. I ignored it, but they actually cancelled my internet on July 16. I called on July 17 to ask them to extend the services for another week until I can book my new internet provider to expedite the installation. Till now Telus has been charging me monthly internet fee and withdrawing that amount from my bank automatically, even though I've called them twice that I've already cancelled my services and they should not charge me. I contacted my bank and they told me I need to deal with it from Telus side, or else I have to pay extra to have it terminated from my bank's side of things. I tried to log in to my MyTelus account but they already closed it down since I've cancelled my services. 

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Please send us a private message with your account details so we can look into this.

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I've sent you a private message with the account details within the screenshots, thank you!

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Thanks, we have replied to your message. 

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Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Your cancellation should be correctly set for September 15, as per your request. If anything still seems off or you notice any issues, please let us know right away, and we’ll fix it for you.

Need to private message us but don't know how? Check out this step-by-step guide.