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Poor cell service


I live just a short distance (1 km) outside the Port Alberni city limits in Beaver Creek. According to all the cell coverage maps I've seen the Telus (Koodo) service should be good, but it's terrible. I barely get one bar signal and calls are constantly breaking up and getting dropped. It seems to have gotten worse lately to the point I'm thinking of switching service providers. We no longer have a land line so I rely on my cell for reliable phone service. I've noticed on our local neighbourhood Facebbok page I'm not the only one complaining about poor cell service from the Telus network in this area. I'd understand if I was a lot farther out of town but ironically the service is better further out than what we have. We seem to be in a dead or fringe zone. I looked for a service email or number I can call  to discuss this issue with Telus but their contact list doesn't offer this option. What can one do except cancel and switch?


Community Power User
Community Power User

You need to call Telus Mobility tech support to report the problem of frequently dropped calls and poor signal reception. Then try to get as many other people in the area that are affected to call in and do the same. Only then will it likely get looked at. Depending on the cause there may not be a quick or easy fix. Especially if a new tower is needed.


There aren't any towers in Beaver Creek or along Beaver Creek Road. The problem you and your neigbors could be experiencing may be entirely localized. The more hills, buildings and to a much lesser extent dense forest, can all potentially weaken a signal. Looking at the area it is hilly territory with no direct line of site to the towers in Port Alberni itself. The only towers northwest of Port Alberni are several kilometers west of the airport and quite a ways out.


Switching won't fix your problem either. Telus has the closest towers to Beaver Creek and Bell will be sharing them in that area. Rogers towers are few and far between and none near Beaver Creek.

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Community Power User
Community Power User

Have you a phone which allows Wi-Fi calling? If so, it would switch to your home Wi-Fi when the cellular signal is poor, allowing calls, texts, etc. to transmit transparently.


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Thanks, I'll have to look into that as a possible solution.