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when telus forces us to change internet from copper to fibre, does the phone HAVE to use the fibre?


yes it is a plug in the wall phone.

others had problems with it.

will all phone sockets work for the phone (but not internet)

thanks all

calling telus is a waste of time as you well know


Community Power User
Community Power User

Yes, if Telus is removing the copper in your neighbourhood and replacing it with fibre-delivered telecommunications, your phone service will be delivered over the fibre network. They will connect to your current telephone wires in your home, so you can use phones as normal.

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Community Power User
Community Power User

Yes, if Telus is removing the copper in your neighbourhood and replacing it with fibre-delivered telecommunications, your phone service will be delivered over the fibre network. They will connect to your current telephone wires in your home, so you can use phones as normal.

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I tried to ask a new forum question but the forum form was unable to select something.( i would post a pic if i could)

so I ask it here.

when there is a power outage, we have a phone that can call bc hydro.

the phone gets its power from the phone wires. ( not the house electricity)

will it still work when we have the fibre forced on us?

thnaks all

@Anon125 During a power outage your phone will not work on fiber. You can ASK to have a battery backup installed. Most people have a cell phone now no need for a land line. Also your hand held phones with a plug in base and remote phones will not work on fiber or copper during an outage either. Even with the batt back up your remote hand held phones will not work. You will need an analog phone. 

the so called "no cost to us" story seems just that, another story


@Anon125  There is no cost they run the fiber install the ONT and the BATTERY BACK UP   GIVE YOU A NEW ROUTER  and hook up your internal copper lines to the system. They did mime no cost but signed a two year contact. They are going away from copper because cost of maintaining it. rusting connections.

there IS a cost to replacing the phone that has worked for years when the power is out.

@Anon125  What cost the six phones i have all worked after the change to fibe. No need to replace. And they all work when power is out i have battery backup. Batts last about 7 hours.

our phone at present works indefinitely when the power is out.

@Anon125  The phone you have will work if you have a battery backup installed. If you have a phone plugged in base with remote handheld ones they will not work even with the backup battery no power to base unit

Glad you agree it is not NO COST to go to fibre.

just another telus lie

Community Power User
Community Power User

Your phone, which “works indefinitely when the power is out” will continue to work when the power is out, if you request the battery backup.

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7 hour backup is not the same as indefinitely.

do you know what keep drinking the coolaid means?

@Anon125  You are so worried about this you better buy a whole house generator .The only cure

polecat thank you for agreeingthe switch to fibre is NOT no cost.

@Anon125 There is no cost to you

@Anon125 wrote:

7 hour backup is not the same as indefinitely.

do you know what keep drinking the coolaid means?

When was the last time your power was out for more than 7 hours? I can't remember the last time my power was out for more than a few seconds. If you live in a location where the power is that unreliable you need a backup generator for reasons other than just a landline phone, especially in the winter.

you see what you want to see.

i see the facts

not the same.

Polecat, just wondered why you are such a fan of telus, even denying the truth!

do you get points for posts? are you a telus employee?

thanks for your help


@Anon125 wrote: "calling telus is a waste of time as you well know"



You call and they know absolutely nothing. 


Is it because the call centre is in the Philippines?


I have always wondered how you can have people answer questions and troubleshoot problems when the system they are dealing with is non-existent where they are and they have no personal experience.