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change of residence address

if I sign a contract with the company for two years, but my apartment lease is only for 6 months, can I then move the Internet router to another apartment without problems?


@Anzhelika Wrote: Can I then move the Internet router to another apartment without problems?


Contact Telus and discuss the move. I'm sure that behind the scenes configuration must be completed prior to the move.

As it will take a few days to set an appointment if a tech is required to attend the new location, I would contact them as soon as possible.


I'd start with the chat function, and if that doesn't work, the following number and departments should be able to assist, Technical Support: 1-888-811-2323, Account, billing & sales support: same number: 1-888-811-2323


Here are TELUS' guidelines:


Move your TELUS Home Services - TELUS Moving | TELUS


I hope it helps you as well...


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@Anzhelika  You will require a tech to connect to the fiber for that apartment. Make a call now to arrange the tech visit.


Extracted from TELUS move FAQs


Are there any costs to move my home services?
No, there's no fee to move your home services


What happens if I move to an area where TELUS does not provide service?
If you move to an area where TELUS does not provide service, you will have to terminate your service agreement. Any remaining account balance will become due, and early cancellation fees may apply as per your service agreement. Rental equipment must be returned to TELUS upon cancellation of service, otherwise you will be responsible for the replacement cost.


You should not have a problem, unless you move outside of the TELUS service area or you move to an apartment where there is only one service provider and it is not TELUS.