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T3200 and orbi set up recommendations




I have pure fibre ONT -> T3200 and I want to add a Netgear Orbi mesh due to really bad wifi connectivity in the house.  


I have been through many threads with different recommendations about using the T3200 in Bridge mode or not.  Below are some options and I am trying to figure out the best one to try


1. put a switch after the ONT and pug the T3200 and Orbi into the switch ( router and Orbi in parallel).  Connect the Optik to the T3200, everything else to the Orbi.  


2.  ONT to the T3200 and plug  the Orbi into the T3200 port 1 and use the other T3200 ports for the Optik


3.  ONT to the T3200 and plug  the Orbi into the T3200 port 1 and use the other T3200 ports for the Optik AND set the T3200 to bridge mode


Can I turn off the T3200 wifi radio on any of the above? 


Is there a better setup?


My home network is equivalent to your option 2 but I'm on copper. I have the WiFi disabled on the T3200M. I have from 45 to 50 devices connected to my Asus router at any given time. It works well for me and I've had no issues working from home on my Internet 75 plan