06-07-2020 09:18 AM
Hi folks - I'm in Calgary with Telus Internet/OptikTV/phone services, non-fiber. The modem has coax going to the wall. I purchased an AX6000 wifi 6 router and have been trying to connect to the modem. I have been unable to get an external IP address or get actual connectivity. I have tried emulating the MAC address of the Telus-assigned router but that didn't work. Is there some sort of username/password that I need to pass in? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated
06-07-2020 09:35 AM
Sorry - this should read, 'my own router' not modem
06-07-2020 10:51 AM
What modem device? Telus has not used a separate modem for years.
A bit more detail on how you have connected the various devices, and their names would help.