01-31-2021 06:27 PM
Is it normal that only one phone jack in your home would be activated? (I know... I am probably the only one in the world still using a land line...) I can only find 2 jacks, wanted to move the phone from one to the other, but it doesn't work. Telus says it will be $100 for a service call to make it work.
01-31-2021 08:12 PM
@beachgrrrl Unless you have someone that knows how to wire you will have to get telus .You can check that jack is hooked up no disconected wires. If you are in an apartment or condo the wires will have to be checked in the utility room. Changing a broke jack is easy follow the colors one wire at time fi that doesn't work call telus. Wire inside a house condo is not telus property. That why the charge.
01-31-2021 09:03 PM
02-01-2021 01:59 AM
I would invest in a multi handset phone system like the ones from vtech. Much cheaper than a technician call and only the base station would need to be plugged into the phone jack. You can then proceed to put the other handsets anywhere you want.
02-01-2021 09:57 AM