11-14-2023 04:22 PM
Its been over 3 weeks since I lost my fibre. Repairman came out the next day, diagnosed it as a cable issue and said a bucket truck would have to come and fix it.
Everytime I'm given a day that they will be here the day comes and goes with no sign of anyone and no update from anyone even though I have escalated this issue twice.
The 2nd person that I spoke to gave me her direct line and promised she would keep me updated (ya whatever. everyone else promised that as well). I have put FIVE PHONE CALLS IN TO HER, left messages each time and still no update. I even talked to another support person on Friday who spoke to her thru office communicator and asked her to update me. STILL NOTHING.
I spend over $500 per month with telus with home service and cell phones. Honestly after this ABYSMAL service we will likely be taking our money elsewhere for our cells once our contract is up.
When they set us up with fibre the service was great, bucket truck out the same day and we were good to go! Now that they have our business they don't seem to give a wonderful.
Who else can I talk to to actually get something done? 3 weeks is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.
11-21-2023 06:33 PM
@Teri4024 I've sent you a private message 🙂
02-09-2024 11:12 PM
What ever happened with your service? I’ve been without my services for almost 3 weeks. I basically heard the same story as you. I was told the cable issue is handled by a 3rd party “specialist” I too spend over $500 a month.
Yep! and that 3rd part specialist is likely owned by them. the truck that showed up had telus fibre all over it. I ended up being without service for a month before they fixed it. and turns out it wasn't the specialist that was needed, it was just the first repair guy that came didn't do his job properly. turned out to be a broken wire in the box that the 2nd repair guy (that was sent after the specialist couldn't find an issue at the road) found in just a few mins.