4 hours ago
Collections Action Without Notification
A year ago I moved, kept the same number in the same name and paid the final bill at the old place. Now a year later I'm getting calls from a collection agency because they say I owed money on the old account. How can they send this out to collection without asking me for the "extra" money I "owed" them. Telus says they couldn't find me and can't help, because the old account does not exist anymore. It seems like they were sending this bill to my old house. They have my home phone number, my address, my email, my cell phone number and they send me out to collections because they can't find me? I've had a Telus home phone for 45 years, and Telus is the worst "service provider" I've ever experienced. They can do NOTHING about this and told me to just pay the collection agency and forget about it. I should send THEM out to collections for a debt I can't prove, but I bet that's against the law. Is there anything I can do? Beuller? Beuller?