02-11-2021 04:30 PM
I'm using our Gigabit Fibre connection for music jamming via the internet. Jamulus is a popular software applications for this. It uses a client-server architecture versus peer-to-peer systems such as SonoBus. If I run the Jamulus client along with a copy of the server on a Windows 10 or Mac machine the performance is very good as would be expected. Latency is 0 -1 ms, the audio is without artifacts. If I connect the client to a private server on the internet the performance is not quite as good. Latency to Seattle for example is 4 - 6 ms with periodic pops in the audio. However if I run a client and a server on different machines on the Actiontec's LAN, the performance is terrible. Why might this be?
02-11-2021 06:36 PM
I assume you are runnig over Ethernet and not WiFi. Have you verified that you have gigbit Ethernet connections on both your client and server machines?
02-11-2021 06:53 PM
Thanks for your question, xray. Yes, I'm using Ethernet; WiFi is turned off. Both NICs are gigabit. The upload and download values from fast.com confirm this.
02-12-2021 01:52 PM
02-12-2021 03:49 PM
The server is private; not available to other clients. I have tested the setup with three different computers acting as the server and they all respond the same way to the client.
02-11-2021 11:46 PM
Is the client connecting to the servers local lan address or the public address.
02-12-2021 01:56 AM
Client is connecting to the server's local address: or such.