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Optik TV


Starting to question the programming on Optik tv. We lose Discovery Channel, and looks like it was replaced with a bunch of channels that are pathetic at best.  Several channels show the same programs several times a day. Some channels are showing programs from 2-3 years ago and them repeat them throughout the day. I have probably 50% or more of my channels I am paying for I will never watch.  

I am seriously thinking of dumping Optik tv soon unless they get some quality programming. Tired of paying for so many channels and packages I never watch. The trend in television now seems that people are fed up with the Telus, Bell, Roger's etc effort to provide a service and are giving to streaming services.


Official Support Team
Official Support Team

The Discovery channel move was not a decision made by TELUS, and one of our experts @Nighthawk has a great explanation of it here:


As for your subscription package, changes can always be made to more suit what you want to watch. Let us know if you'd be interested in discussing it and we can send you a private message to go over things.

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.