3 weeks ago
So I was looking at the latest on-line version of the Telus Optik TV flyer and saw some new channels listed in the " Core " section that I have never seen there before. The flyer shows these channels - AWE Plus, Baywatch, Confess, Family Feud, Infamous, Inultra, MavTV Select, nosey, Pearl Drama, Revolt Mixtape, Tastemade Food & More, The Price is Right and The Price is Right ( the Barker era ) as now part of the " Core " package. These channels are all listed as " Free Featured Channels " so are these available to Telus customers still using the Optik 4K cable box and if so then where can I find them ????
3 weeks ago
I've only seen those channels on third party free streaming services like Roku and Pluto TV. Where are you seeing them on Telus's website? Everywhere I look only has the standard Core channels required by the CRTC.
3 weeks ago
Hi Nighthawk - here's how to get to where I found these new channels in the Core package:
-go to the Optik TV channels page on the Telus site: https://www.telus.com/channel-selection/guide/optik/theme-packs/
- near the bottom of that page click on the " Printable Channel Guides - Optik TV " link and it comes up: https://assets.ctfassets.net/p9rf8eidq2aw/3Kr3CxosoqROTcipQ8Qk5j/62c5eca4723c2dfa8a825d4aece5e294/-D...
I'm starting to think that they might just be those new " FAST Channels " that are now popping up everywhere and if they are then I don't think they will be available to those customers ( like myself ) that still use the Optik 4K cable box. Let me know what you think.
2 weeks ago
The channels are on the Telus TV+ app.
2 weeks ago
So they are not available for those customers still using the 4K cable box ???? No of them actually look that interesting to me ( although I have no idea what the content is for some of them ) but I was just curious about their availability. I was actually in a Telus store today looking for a calendar ( the store at Cambie and 7th was only given 10 calendars and they were all gone within a couple of hours ) and grabbed the latest Optik TV Channel Selection Guide and these new channels are now showing there too.
2 weeks ago
I still have the old box and the channels are available with the app for me.