20 hours ago
So I was looking at the latest on-line version of the Telus Optik TV flyer and saw some new channels listed in the " Core " section that I have never seen there before. The flyer shows these channels - AWE Plus, Baywatch, Confess, Family Feud, Infamous, Inultra, MavTV Select, nosey, Pearl Drama, Revolt Mixtape, Tastemade Food & More, The Price is Right and The Price is Right ( the Barker era ) as now part of the " Core " package. These channels are all listed as " Free Featured Channels " so are these available to Telus customers still using the Optik 4K cable box and if so then where can I find them ????
18 hours ago
I've only seen those channels on third party free streaming services like Roku and Pluto TV. Where are you seeing them on Telus's website? Everywhere I look only has the standard Core channels required by the CRTC.
18 hours ago
Hi Nighthawk - here's how to get to where I found these new channels in the Core package:
-go to the Optik TV channels page on the Telus site: https://www.telus.com/channel-selection/guide/optik/theme-packs/
- near the bottom of that page click on the " Printable Channel Guides - Optik TV " link and it comes up: https://assets.ctfassets.net/p9rf8eidq2aw/3Kr3CxosoqROTcipQ8Qk5j/62c5eca4723c2dfa8a825d4aece5e294/-D...
I'm starting to think that they might just be those new " FAST Channels " that are now popping up everywhere and if they are then I don't think they will be available to those customers ( like myself ) that still use the Optik 4K cable box. Let me know what you think.
11 hours ago
The channels are on the Telus TV+ app.
4 hours ago
So they are not available for those customers still using the 4K cable box ???? No of them actually look that interesting to me ( although I have no idea what the content is for some of them ) but I was just curious about their availability. I was actually in a Telus store today looking for a calendar ( the store at Cambie and 7th was only given 10 calendars and they were all gone within a couple of hours ) and grabbed the latest Optik TV Channel Selection Guide and these new channels are now showing there too.
4 hours ago
I still have the old box and the channels are available with the app for me.