10-22-2023 02:24 PM
Just concentrating on the really basic expectations I think every user would expect from a ‘TV Guide’ & a ‘Recording’ perspective for paying customers. This is for the TelusTV-21T STB with cloud recording.
I’m now 6 months in and how many improvements? From what I can see – Just one! Extending cloud recording retention by just 15 days from 45 to 60. Why? Telus said “The plan is still 90 days, we're just making incremental changes to make sure nothing goes wrong” Well in that case, why not extend it to 90 now? Probably show the same result? Even 90 days is ridiculously short.
A TV guide – Should display New, Repeat, Live. It may be supplied by a ‘3rd party’ but 6 months in and still without. Why?
Single Recording – Still don’t have the ability to extend the recording time. Crazy. Means you have to record the following program too just in case it overruns. Why?
Telus (temporary) response was supposed to add 1 hour (3 hours for tennis) to all (?) live broadcast sports. Well if we can’t even tell from the TV Guide what is a live broadcast this is guesswork and appears to be intermittent anyway... e.g. No longer working for the LPGA (Golf). Why?
Series Recordings – A complete disaster. May or may not work, even on the same channel. Might just disappear, not record some programs in the same series. Of course we can’t add any recording time so forced to record the following program for overruns manually, which totally defeats the object anyway. If it does work, it only records on the same channel, useless for sports that often show the same series broadcast across different channels.
In the ‘good old days’ with my previous provider you would just select a ‘Series Recording’ add any additional time and it would record across any channels the program was broadcast. Done! You could also see all your series recordings in a list, prioritize these, delete, amend etc. Basically this was a similar 4k system with cloud recording. Oh and NO retention limits on recordings…
Now if I wish to record a 4 day golf tournament with Telus I have to:-
So 6 months living with it, spending hours reporting issues on the Community Forum, looking for solutions etc. etc. and what is the general feedback from Telus? “Thanks, it’s been logged, forwarded or noted; it’s coming but can’t give any timeframe etc”. As a side note, how much time did I have to spend on a community forum with my previous provider over 20 years… NONE! It just worked!
This release is clearly so far off being a stable, reliable, functioning, user friendly system I cannot fathom how on earth how this was allowed to be distributed to the public. It’s not even close to a Beta release.
So six months of use and no real improvement. At this rate it’s going to take years to even come close to the competitors. Let’s not forget, in the meantime, we are full paying customers!
The damage this release has done to Telus’s reputation as a provider must be massive. I’m guessing it might not be obvious now with suckers like me signing up (oblivious to the defects) but wait till the 2 year contracts start to expire and see how many will be itching to sign back up…
Maybe it’s just me and everyone else is happy, but I’m close to throwing in the towel. I don’t think this post is unreasonable or untruthful? If I’m wrong (Telus) please let me know.
Way beyond due Telus, enough banter - Let’s see some real improvements!
You can get Shaw tv with telus internet. Just spoke with shaw agent the other day. Depends on area you are in the Lowe mainland. I am in Mission/Abbotsford
I renewed for a second 2yr plan in June because Disney+ was not available on Legacy PVRs and only available on, what was referred to, Evolution boxes to "new" customers". After a good chuckle and convincing the agent I was technically a "new" customer I got the upgrade...hold the laughter!
Having recently installed these new "Devolution" 🙃 Telus TV-21T boxes and running into all these existing issues (and subsequently, Googling onto this Telus Neighborhood forum) now I understand the agent was trying to discourage me from this downgrade!
Talk about moving backwards...Tell'us About It... UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Hi @Optikal_Speak , welcome to the cutting edge TelusTv21-T system 🤣. A year on from my original post and lets see how many 'basic' issues I flagged here are resolved... Err, 1. The guide is better, but that is and was updated by the supplying 3rd party. TELUS issues resolved - ZERO ! Recording retention limit stuck @ 90 days, amending recording length manually and series recordings still unresolved - PATHETIC!
And UNBELIVEABLE! that I just installed boxes Aug 2024 and the lastest update is dated July 2023.
In the era of AI where's the RI (Real Intelligence) in the development of this platform?
Over a year on and still chasing issues with fundamental form and function features. Talk about chasing one's tail🥴