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Panel takes picture same time everyday

Friendly Neighbour

My home control panel has started to take a photo every day at 6:44pm, no matter if it's active, disarmed, wtv. And there's no event or anything to trigger it. Not sure what's happening but it feels creepy.

Friendly Neighbour

Yes, it's as if I was disarming or changing a setting and it takes a picture, except I'm no where near the panel, sometimes in another room, and it's always at 6:44pm everyday.

I've reset the panel a few times, it's still taking the picture.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello. Do you mean taking a shot of your home interior as if you were facing the panel? That's definitely odd. Have you tried performing a reset on the panel?

Friendly Neighbour

Yes, it's as if I was disarming or changing a setting and it takes a picture, except I'm no where near the panel, sometimes in another room, and it's always at 6:44pm everyday.

I've reset the panel a few times, it's still taking the picture.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Gotcha. I'll send a private message to discuss!

Was this fixed because I’m having the same issue?

Yes, the solution needs to be shared. I got my system installed in August 2023 and it has been taking scheduled, daily, unauthorised pictures. I have spoken to phone support 3 times on the matter and they have never heard of this functionality. They offer no solutions except extending the money-back-guarantee period.

This is happening to many customers and needs to be fixed as it is a privacy issue

Friendly Neighbour

Telus wasn't exactly much help for me. I did some online research and from what I could gather, the company that makes the control panel sent an update to the software that takes a picture once a day and saves it locally only. Can't be removed. What I do is place a piece of tape over the camera around the time I know it'll take the picture. I don't like the idea of it taking a picture without me knowing.


I've come up with a workaround at least. The scheduled time of the daily picture coincides with the panel boot time. So I rebooted it at 4am. So now the only pictures it takes are pitch black nothing.


This is also happening to me. My device is taking pictures at 1:07pm every day. I just called the home technical services and they said this is a known issue with over 100 complaints. Can I be directed to the privacy team for this as I feel like this a customer privacy breach?

Hello. That team is available at 1-800-567-0000 or by emailing [email protected]


You mentioned that you spoke with our Home Services team, but have you spoken with our SmartHome Security team directly?