a month ago
I converted 350 Telus Rewards to 3 Home Depot $100 gift cards and 1 $50 card.. I made a $40 purchase with one card and the next time I tried to use it the balance was $0. The other 2 unused $100 gift cards also have a zero balance according to Home Depot. HD claim it's a common problem with Telus issued gift cards and say I need to deal with Telus for a solution.. Now what?
a month ago
Please send us a private message here so we can gather your account info to pass it along to our Rewards team for investigation, thanks.
a month ago - last edited a month ago by A-B
a month ago
We've edited this public post as it contained private info. We'll send you a private message to discuss further, be on the look out for it, thanks.
2 weeks ago
We are having the same issue. Bought a Bay gift card, went to use it, didn't work. Phoned the number on the printout and some random dude we could barely understand insists it's a reitmans gift card, even though the telus rewards says we just purchased the bay gift card. What a gong show. We have all the other points we want to use up and we'd like to just hurry up and get them and use them. Thanks.
2 weeks ago
Hey @RobertJ2 we replied to your private message already, look out for it in your Inbox.