How do we get every single person who thought it was OK to preface marketing and advertisement texts from Telus with [Urgent!] fired?
Its absolutely unforgivable behaviour.
We understand your concern. "URGENT" is actually a function of MMS and not something intentionally added by our marketing team.
The "URGENT" tag in MMS messages is typically handled by the messaging app itself rather than the carrier. However, you can try these steps to prevent it from appearing or to adjust MMS settings on your Android device:
Disable Priority Notifications for Messages:
Change the Default Messaging App: Sometimes the default messaging app may interpret MMS messages with "URGENT" tags. Try switching to a different app (e.g., Google Messages):
Default Google Messages Client.
So this is happening because Telus is sending marketing MMS with a priority flag of 'High', the equivalent of using the 'High' importance flag in email, and again, inappropriate for marketing emails. Telus must know that the default Google messages client is going to have this behaviour.